How to set custom label in index search extension of typo3.

Following typoscript will used for set label via typoscript for index search extension{
      default_search_word_entry = Suche
      submit_button_label = Suchen
      opt_type_0 = Distinct word = Ganzes Wort
      opt_type_1 = Part of word = Ein Teil des Wortes
      opt_type_2 = First part of word = Erster Teil des Wortes
      opt_type_3 = Last part of word = Letzter Teil des Wortes
      opt_type_10 = Sounds like = Klingt wie
      opt_type_20 = Sentence = Satz
      opt_defOp_0 = Aller Wörter (UND)
      opt_defOp_1 = Aller Wörter (ODER)
      opt_sections_0 = Ganze Seite
      opt_sections_-1 = Nur diese Seite
      opt_sections_-2 = Top + level 1
      opt_sections_-3 = Level 2 and out
      opt_freeIndexUid_-1 = Alle, vermischt/gemischt
      opt_freeIndexUid_-2 = Alle, kategorisiert
      opt_freeIndexUid_0 = Seiten
      opt_freeIndexUid_header_-1 = Mixed categories = gemischte/vermischte Kategorien
      opt_freeIndexUid_header_0 = Website Pages
      opt_media_-1 = All media = Alle Medien
      opt_media_0 = Internal pages = Interne Seiten
      opt_media_-2 = Alle Externen
      opt_order_rank_flag = Weight/Frequency
      opt_order_rank_freq = Frequency = Häufigkeit
      opt_order_rank_first = Close to top
      opt_order_rank_count = Number of words = Anzahl der Wörter
      opt_order_mtime = Date Modified = Datum bearbeitet
      opt_order_title = Document title = Dokumenttitel
      opt_order_crdate = Creation date = Erstelldatum
      opt_group_sections = Bereichhierarchie
      opt_group_flat = Flat list
      opt_lang_-1 = All languages = Alle Sprachen
      opt_lang_0 = Default = Voreinstellung
      opt_desc_0 = Highest first = Höchstes/Höchster zuerst
      opt_desc_1 = Lowest first = Niedrigstes/Niedrigster zuerst
      opt_RL1 = Level 1:
      opt_RL1ALL = All pages on level 1
      opt_RL2 = - Level 2:
      opt_RL2ALL = - All pages on level 2
      form_legend = Suchformular
      form_searchFor = Suche nach:
      form_extResume = Extended resume = Erweiterte Vorschau
      form_atATime = at a time = Zu einem Zeitpunkt
      form_orderBy = Order by: = Ordnen nach:
      form_fromSection = From section: = Aus dem Bereich
      form_freeIndexUid = Category: = Kategorie:
      form_searchIn = Search in: = Suche in:
      form_match = Match: = Übereinstimmung
      form_style = Style: = Stil:
      rules_header = Rules: = Regeln:
      rules_text = Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted = Das Wort muss 2 oder mehr Buchstaben enthalten
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.
      searchFor = Suche nach
      searchFor_or = or = oder
      searchFor_and = and = und
      searchFor_butNot = but not = aber nicht
      noResults = Keine Resultate.
      inSection = in the section = in dem Bereich
      inNsection = in %s section:
      inNsections = in %s sections:
      word_page = page
      word_pages = pages
      unnamedSection = Andere
      link_regularSearch = Regular search = normale Suche
      link_advancedSearch = Advanced search = erweiterte Suche
      res_path = Pfad
      res_modified = Überarbeitet
      res_created = Erstellt:
      res_size = Größe
      res_noResume = Notiz: Keine übereinstimmungen gefunden. Die Seitenvorschau kann nicht angezeigt werden.
      res_otherMatching = übereinstimmende Seiten im gleichen Dokment:
      res_otherPageAsWell = INFO: There was another page indexed as well... Probably indexed with another or no usergroup.
      res_memberGroups = Require membership of group numbers %s
      pi_list_browseresults_prev = <>
      pi_list_browseresults_display = Zeige ###TAG_BEGIN###%s bis  %s###TAG_END### von  ###TAG_BEGIN###%s###TAG_END###
      local_operator_AND = AND = UND
      local_operator_OR = OR = ODER
      local_operator_NOT = NOT = NICHT
      makerating_addToCurrentSearch = Add to current search words = Zu den aktuellen Suchwörtern hinzufügen
      maketitle_matches = matches = übereinstimmend / übereinstimmende Ergebnisse

Above label is for german language.

if we want to change for other language like italy then we can use following script

Note : it is stand for language code

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya

How to configure index search in typo3 via typoscript

Integrated search. TYPO3 automatically indexes your content to make it searchable in the backend and frontend with the built-in search tools.

Index search is very usefull tool in typo3.

If you want to integrate it on fronend site then you first you have to install index_search exntension.

if you want to display search box via typo script then you have to set below typoscript in your setup file.

lib.searchBox = HTML
  <form name="tx_indexedsearch" method="post" action="index.php?id=19">
    <input type="text" id="tx_indexedsearch[sword]" name="tx_indexedsearch[sword]" />
    <input type="hidden" value="0" name="tx_indexedsearch[_sections]">
    <input type="hidden" value="0" name="tx_indexedsearch[pointer]">
    <input type="hidden" value="0" name="tx_indexedsearch[ext]">
    <input type="hidden" value="_" name="tx_indexedsearch[_freeIndexUid]">

** index.php?id=19 : is stand for page id 19. where we integrate index search plugin.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya



Hide advanced option in index search of TYPO3


For hide advanced rules from index search then you have to set below typoscript.

# Hide advanced rules {
      advancedSearchLink = 0
      rules = 0

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya


Indexed search results at multi language sites of TYPO3

Indexed search results at multi-language sites in TYPO3

For get search result language wise. you have set below typoscript in “Setup”

  plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = X

X is stand for language id.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya