Lightbox extensions is not worked in TYPO3 7.6

First we have to disable jQuery POPUP for image in fluid media content then after you have to set link for related lightbox

You have to change the “dataWrap”-Attributes according to your lightbox-plugin

Following script you have to set in Setup and this script is useful for lightbox plugin. {
    directImageLink = 1
    JSwindow = 0
    linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap = rel="lightbox[{field:uid}]"

If you have any query then feel free to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya

Windows command line for delete specific files with extension

Some time we want to delete some specific file or we facing issue of virus in our computer that time we have to delete that specific file manually

If we want to delete all .exe file together from selected folder than we have to use following command.

D:\Jainish> del /S *.exe

It mean it will delete all exe file from Jainish folder from From D Drive.

If you want to delete jpg file than used “D:\Jainish> del /S *.jpg”

If you have any query then feel free to contact me at Jainish Senjaliya



Basic configuration of typo3

config {
htmlTag_setParams = xmlns=”” xml:lang=”de” lang=”de”
doctype = html5
# to get MSIE working in “standardsmode”
xmlprologue = none

disablePrefixComment = 1
disableImgBorderAttr = 1

inlineStyle2TempFile = 1

pageTitleFirst = 1

baseURL = {$baseURL}
tx_realurl_enable = 0

simulateStaticDocuments = 0

index_enable = 1
index_externals = 1

pageTitleFirst = 1

no_cache = 0
prefixLocalAnchors= cached
sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated
# sys_language_overlay = content_fallback

# set the defaultcharset
renderCharset = utf-8
metaCharset = utf-8

notification_email_charset = utf-8
xhtml_cleaning = 1
linkVars = L
sys_language_uid = 0

uniqueLinkVars = 1
language = nl
locale_all = nl_NL
htmlTag_langKey = nl-NL
htmlTag_dir = ltr

# Spam protection
spamProtectEmailAddresses = -3
spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst = .